PROPHECY, Prophetic Words

“Disclosing Prophecies, Inspiring Hope for the Endtime

Robert D. Pace

The Prophets of Scripture were remarkable men! They performed miracles, withstood armies, interpreted mysteries, declared God’s counsel, and assessed political and moral issues. Most notably, the prophet functioned as God’s mouthpiece. By divine gifting, the Holy Spirit enabled them to hear his Word and then communicate it to the intended audience. As the Lord’s spokesperson, the phrase best describing a Biblical prophet is, “Man of God.” It is used seventy-six times in the Old Testament expressing how the prophet was inextricably connected to God. The Lord emphasized the need for the prophets’ closeness to him when he rebuked some for not “standing in his council” <small>(Jeremiah 23:18-23).</small> Moreover, their detachment and distance from God rendered them incapable of securing a pure word from him. Since the prophets’ connection to God was vital to their prophetic function, it is not coincidental that God pressed them into solitary places—Christ in a garden; Moses in a tent; Elijah in a cave; Jeremiah in a dungeon; and Paul in prison. Yes, remarkably, when God withdrew his prophets from public view their seclusion with him brought audience to his incomparable voice! Thus, as the principle of prophetic seclusion is understood, it clarifies why God may have forced you into a solitary place. Seclusion with God is where the distractions of the world are eliminated so the whisper of his voice can be elevated.