Point of Inspiration: Devotionals for Personal and Corporate Worship

Robert D. Pace

Despite society’s suggestion that all belief systems and religions are equally valid, the facts make it clear: Jesus Christ and His Resurrection raise Christianity to a place unequalled by any other religion! Why can this be stated with such certainty? Because the Resurrection, witnessed by more than 500 people, proved that death—man’s greatest enemy—had no power over Christ. You see, had Christ’s tomb remained sealed, so would the fate of His followers. But according to promise, He arose from the grave as visible pronouncement that death was no match for Him. Christ’s Blood from the Cross disabled its strength, silenced its fears, and opened the passage to eternal life. And only Christ, the Son of God, could do this. Romans 1:4 says, Jesus was “declared with power to be the Son of God by his resurrection from the dead.”

Have you noticed that no other major world religion even claims to worship a risen savior? Notice the testimony:

Buddha’s tomb – occupied.
Confucius’ tomb – occupied.
Mohammed’s tomb – occupied.
Jesus’ tomb – empty!

The Son of God and His Resurrection make Christianity supreme to all religions and to suggest anything less is to deny Christ of His supremacy and glory. The great boast of Christianity isn’t what lies in the tomb; it’s what doesn’t lie in the tomb! “He is risen indeed”!