by Managed WordPress Migration User | Apr 12, 2015 | All Topics
Mark E. Hardgrove, PhD I recently received a book entitled How to Read the Bible Like a Seminary Professor by Mark M. Yarbrough (2015, published by FaithWorks). The title of the book seemed pretentious and frankly I wasn’t sure what kind of seminary professor he was...
by Managed WordPress Migration User | Jan 19, 2014 | All Topics, Authority, Mark E. Hardgrove, Power
Dr. Mark E. Hardgrove Genesis 16:16-34 INTRODUCTION This particular account takes us out of the world of Judaism into contact with the popular superstition of the pagan world. On one of Paul’s visits to the place of prayer, he and his companions were met by a slave...
by Managed WordPress Migration User | Aug 14, 2013 | All Topics, Mark E. Hardgrove, Obedience, Worship
Dr. Mark E. Hardgrove Genesis 22:5-25 INTRODUCTION When you think of worship, what comes to mind? Is it a grand building, beautiful music, powerful preaching, people falling at the altars? And what about mountaintop worship? Isn’t that worship where we ascend to the...
by Managed WordPress Migration User | Aug 8, 2013 | All Topics, Blessing, Good Works, Mark E. Hardgrove
Mark E. Hardgrove Matthew 7:24-27 INTRODUCTION This particular parable is included in a series of parables that Jesus used to warn against false prophets, false faith, and false hope. In verses 15 through 20 Jesus warns us of false prophets who outwardly look like...
by Managed WordPress Migration User | Jun 22, 2013 | All Topics, Foundations of the Faith, Good Works, Mark E. Hardgrove
Dr. Mark E. Hardgrove INTRODUCTION I realize that the phrase referring to “a workman . . . unashamed,” sounds like the phrase from Paul’s Epistle to Timothy (2 Tim 2:15), “a workman that needeth not to be ashamed,” which has to do with the work of ministry and...