Sermons by Robert D. Pace
How Then Shall We Live?
PULPIT TODAY SERMONS Robert D Pace How Then Shall We Live? A Christian's Response to Days of Crisis Thanks to the coronavirus, the world has been in crisis mode since March of 2020. You know the story: Churches, schools, sports, and stores were forced to shut down,...
Battle of Gog and Magog
Secrets of Israel’s Battle of Gog and Magog Ezekiel 38:14–16 by Robert D Pace The epic battle of human history is found in Ezekiel 38–39, and it’s loaded with intrigue and secrets. That’s why I’ve named this message “The Secrets of Israel’s Battle of Gog and...
God’s Final Message to Mankind
--- PULPIT TODAY SERMONS God's Final Message to Mankind Robert D Pace Introductory Remarks I want to begin with a question. Imagine that you are given the opportunity to deliver a message to the world. Any message. It’s your moment to present your topic of choice. You...
+++ Pulpit Today Sermons Your Power to Discern the Days Matthew 16:1–3 by Robert D Pace Jesus was surrounded by Professors of Religion. They were scholars that had spent hours memorizing vast portions of the OT. But on this occasion they stepped outside the boundaries...
APOCALERTS OF THE ENDTIME: How God Shows the World Its Days are Numbered
Pulpit Today Sermons APOCALERTS OF THE ENDTIME HOW GOD SHOWS THE WORLD ITS DAYS ARE NUMBERED Robert D Pace Introduction I want to talk to you on the subject of APOCALERTS OF THE ENDTIME: How God Shows the World Its Days are Numbered. Many here know that I have...
Unmasking the Spirit of Antichrist
Pulpit Today Sermon Unmasking the Spirit of Antichrist by Robert D Pace My topic today is entitled, Unmasking the Spirit of Antichrist. As I seek to expose this spirit, I have some questions to ask: What is the spirit of antichrist? If someone asked you to list its...
The Days of Noah Return
The Days of Noah . . . RETURN! by Robert D Pace Moses’ staff parts the Red Sea. Manna falls in the desert for forty years. Elijah calls down fire from heaven. Joshua stops the sun. Jesus walks on water and feeds thousands from a lunch basket. An angel frees an apostle...
Parousia of Christ and the Appearance of the Antichrist
(Verse-by-verse Teaching) Robert D. Pace The Parousia of Christ The Appearance of the Antichrist 2 Thessalonians 2:1—12 Introduction: The book of 2 Thessalonians contains three terse chapters from the Apostle Paul. Of this brief epistle, chapter 2 is the bulwark of...
How the Bible Affirms Israel’s Borders
Pulpit Today Sermons How the Bible Affirms Israel’s Borders And Why it's Important for Christians to Understand This Genesis 12:1—3 Robert D Pace Introductory Remarks It happens all the time and in different ways: Hamas launches rockets into the land of Israel....
PULPIT TODAY SERMONS Robert D. Pace JESUS, NICODEMUS, AND WHAT IT MEANS TO BE BORN AGAIN Opening Remarks I want to talk to you about one of the most intriguing, yet barely mentioned, men of the New Testament—Nicodemus. He appears...
Robert D. Pace THE WORD OF GOD UNLEASHED! Hebrews 4:12 Hebrews 4:12 uses powerful phraseology to illustrate the Word’s authority. It says: “the Word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword.” These words can’t refer to anything but God’s Word....
Blessings of Waiting on the Lord
Pulpit Today Sermon Robert D Pace Blessings of Waiting on the Lord Psalm 27:13—14 I want to start by sharing some good news about “waiting on God.” That’s because the process of waiting does not seem inviting and enjoyable. When God gives us the opportunity to wait on...
JEHOVAH-NISSI, The Lord My Banner
Pulpit Today Sermons Robert D Pace JEHOVAH-NISSI The Lord My Banner Exodus 17:8—16 The Amalekites came and attacked the Israelites at Rephidim. (9) Moses said to Joshua, “Choose some of our men and go out to fight the Amalekites. Tomorrow I will stand on top of the...
God has given us boundless opportunities to exhibit gratitude? So much so, that these endless occasions present, “Thanksgiving without Borders!” Each step we take provides another opportunity to bless the Lord. I’m thankful that God has blessed mankind with medical and scientific breakthroughs unknown to civilization back to Adam.
America in Crisis!
Pulpit Today Sermons AMERICA IN CRISIS Robert D Pace The turmoil that America is experiencing is nothing new. It is merely history repeating itself. That is why I want to compare America’s present crises with those of Israel during Biblical times. In so doing,...
21 Ways the Holy Spirit Manifests Himself to Believers
Pulpit Today Sermons Robert D Pace (This message is presented in Outline form, describing numerous ways the Holy Spirit manifests himself to Believers.) The Personality of the Holy Spirit As I begin this message, I want to ask a question. When you contemplate the...
Arise and Claim the Blessings! ROBERT D PACE Matthew 7:7–11 Throughout the Bible Christians are encouraged to live godly lives. Scripture shows we aren’t our own, we have been bought with the incalculable price of Christ’s Blood and He has full ownership of us. Humans...
PULPIT TODAY SERMONS Robert D Pace The Festival of Tabernacles Sukkot, Booths, Ingathering Introduction The first question I want to answer about this study is, how does an Old Testament festival apply to New Testament Believers of the 21st Century? Is there really...
A Call to Corporate Prayer for USA Elections
A Call to Corporate Prayer for USA Elections Robert D Pace You know the turmoil that has imbibed our country: The baby’s “Right to Life,” vs. abortion, open borders, and the colliding social and political differences between conservatives and liberals. With the future...
Supersign of Prophecy
The Supersign of Prophecy The Final Countdown by Robert D Pace The best way to help prepare you for this message is to provide a brief statement regarding the nation of Israel: In 586 BC, the Babylonians crushed the nation of Israel and it never reclaimed...
Securing the Favor of God Robert D. Pace Introduction (Definition) In its simplest terms, divine favor involves the bestowal of God’s goodness, blessing, spiritual enrichment, or promotion. Favor enhances the welfare of your life whether it involves bestowing...