PROPHECY, Prophetic Insights, Prophetic Words

Disclosing Prophecies, Inspiring Hope for the Endtime

Robert D. Pace

[AUTHOR’S NOTATION: The following article was written in 2013, when the Lord gave me a prophetic dream about America’s social chaos during the Obama Administration.]


The feeling is thick! An unearthly tension has gripped this planet. Racial tensions remain exacerbated, even with the White House hosting a twice-elected African-American President. Policemen are being executed. Radical Islam’s march of terror has crept into our borders. Millions of Americans are unemployed, while the Federal Budget has soared into trillions of dollars. Scientific and technological advancements have made life easier, but life has never been more difficult! Life has been stripped of its ease and the freedom of self-determination continues to erode.

What many people can’t understand is why America’s ruling class is unwilling to redirect the course of the world. And that is a major reason that I dare to share a dream the Lord gave me in March of 2013. I do not retell all my dreams, but this one appeared with conviction from the Holy Spirit. Thus, I have deep confidence in relating the substance of this nocturnal vision.

Purposed Social Disorder

As the dream unfolded, I realized I was in Washington, D.C., with a “spirit of confusion” prevailing scene. Instantly, I realized America’s laws, statutes, and policies were not being formulated naively or without predetermined objectives. Politicians were intentionally crafting policies designed to restrict self-determination, debilitate the economy, divide the races, impede Christian values, and disrupt the ease and flow of life that America has enjoyed for the past two hundred years. Simply stated, the United States Government is not seeking to resolve problems, it’s seeking to create problems in all areas of life! Yes, this new social order has been establishing policies of social disorder!

For the sake of eliminating all ambiguity about the content of this dream, I want to restate and amplify this prophetic word: America’s policymakers and unelected bureaucrats understand their agenda. They are crafting policies that will create social disorder. This ruling class is determined to create societal disorder. With social chaos as its objective, it has not considered the ultimate consequences of its policies; they are creating a world of bedlam so the Antichrist can then appear and mastermind a solution.

As I contemplated this dream, I realized that it didn’t solve a problem; it identified a problem! It explains in part why Americans, and especially Christians, are distressed with the dishevelment of life. There are hurdles to leap over and hoops to jump through in getting from Point A to Point B. Thus, it shows Christians how to direct their prayers and invite the Lord’s assistance as we plow through the world’s chaos and turmoil. We must pray for those in authority, imprecate against the unruly, and intercede for millions of American Christians who are the target of these policies. Pray for the president, senators, congressional representatives, and judges.

As for the hope of Christians, we are consoled by several Bible promises: Firstly, Christ gives grace to the humble. Imagine that: Your life of humility acts as a magnet of God’s grace! Secondly, the Holy Spirit provides supernatural assistance to Believers. This means God walks hand-in-hand with you and works on your behalf in every aspect of life. Thirdly, Christ’s Return to Earth will snatch Christians from a world subsumed with Adam’s curse. It will break the chains of sin, sickness, and all evil. And his Return will raise Christians–both dead and alive–to inherit their heavenly home that’s free–totally free–from every enemy of this world.


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