by Robert D. Pace | Jan 9, 2025 | Blessing, Featured Messages, Visionaries
… PULPIT TODAY SERMONS Ambitions of the Righteous by Robert D. Pace At the twilight of a calendar year, people tend to make promises to themselves. They are most often called “resolutions.” Sometimes, we ask others: “What are your resolutions for the year?” And then,...
by Robert D. Pace | Nov 10, 2019 | All Topics, Blessing, Prosperity, Sacrifice, Visionaries
… PULPIT TODAY SERMONS Finding the Treasures of Darkness And Wealth of Secret Places Introduction (Harbinger) Some years ago, I found myself intrigued by Isaiah 45, where God says, “I will give you the treasures of darkness and wealth stored in secret places.”...
by Managed WordPress Migration User | Feb 19, 2016 | All Topics, Good Works, Prosperity, Visionaries
PULPIT TODAY SERMONS Optimizing Your Destiny Robert D Pace Everybody has a destiny. So much so, that God himself has taken a personal interest in it. The Bible says God has “chosen our inheritance for us”! That means he’s providentially tailored it just for you. It...
by Managed WordPress Migration User | Sep 9, 2015 | All Topics, Faith, Foundations of the Faith, Leadership, Power, Robert D. Pace, Visionaries
PULPIT TODAY SERMONS Robert D. Pace Acts 26:18-19 (Illustration) Andrew Carnegie was once asked the secret of his remarkable success. He replied, “I owe it all to my flashes . . . All my life I woke up early in the morning, and always there came into my mind...
by Managed WordPress Migration User | May 14, 2015 | All Topics, Holy Spirit, Power, Visionaries, Wisdom
The Purpose of God-Given Visions Job 33:14–18 by Robert D. Pace God has blessed Christians with two types of vision—natural and spiritual. As you understand the purpose of natural human eyesight, it helps demonstrate the purpose of Biblical, spiritual visions. For...
by Managed WordPress Migration User | Jul 20, 2014 | All Topics, Authority, Power, Prophecy, Teaching, The Word of God, Visionaries
Robert D Pace I Will Show You Great and Unsearchable Things Jeremiah 33:1–3 Opening Remarks I want to examine one verse of Scripture in today’s study. It’s verse 3 of our text. We are sometimes prone to allow one version of the Bible to form our perspective of...