by Managed WordPress Migration User | Aug 27, 2022 | Featured Messages, Foundations of the Faith, Jesus, Obedience, Sacrifice, Salvation
… PULPIT TODAY SERMONS Robert D. Pace JESUS IS LORD OR IS HE? Acts 2:34–36 The Lordship of Jesus Christ is one of Scripture’s most significant doctrines. The word Lord means, “supreme in authority; master; ruler; and owner.” The fact that Christ rose from the...
by Robert D. Pace | Nov 1, 2021 | Featured Messages, MESSAGES, Obedience, Sacrifice, Voice of God
Pulpit Today Sermons RED FLAGS: Don’t Ignore Them! Introduction The reason I’m addressing red flags is because they are a primary way that God deals with Christians, sinners, and even nations. It’s the flag connoting stop; do not proceed; or, danger ahead. I want to...
by Robert D. Pace | Nov 10, 2019 | All Topics, Blessing, Prosperity, Sacrifice, Visionaries
… PULPIT TODAY SERMONS Finding the Treasures of Darkness And Wealth of Secret Places Introduction (Harbinger) Some years ago, I found myself intrigued by Isaiah 45, where God says, “I will give you the treasures of darkness and wealth stored in secret places.”...
by Managed WordPress Migration User | Mar 19, 2019 | All Topics, Sacrifice, Suffering
Pulpit Today Sermons DIVINE ENTRAPMENT Robert D. Pace Job 1:8-10 The book of Job issues incredible truths throughout its pages. Those that have studied Job understand that it speaks of the virtues of faith, patience, faithfulness, and the ultimate triumph of good over...
by Managed WordPress Migration User | Sep 8, 2018 | All Topics, Obedience, Prosperity, Sacrifice
Robert D. Pace Who Owns What Luke 19:28–35 At times, Jesus borrowed things to emphasize important lessons. For example, he paused at Jacob’s Well to request water from a Samaritan woman. On another occasion, He borrowed Peter’s fishing boat and used...
by Managed WordPress Migration User | Jun 20, 2016 | All Topics, Authority, Blessing, Leadership, MESSAGES, Sacrifice
Pulpit Today Sermon Robert D. Pace Noah’s Impossible Assignment Genesis 6:9-22 Five chapters had been written in Genesis, and 2000 years had elapsed since God had created Adam, but when the narrative of Genesis 6 unravels we find a lurid depiction of humanity....