by Managed WordPress Migration User | Mar 22, 2018 | All Topics, Foundations of the Faith, Grace, Jesus
Pulpit Today Sermon THE GRACE OF JESUS CHRIST Ephesians 2:8–9 Robert D. Pace Years ago a convicted murderer was given a life sentence to solitary confinement on a desert island. The island rested hundreds of miles from civilization and the agents that delivered...
by Robert D. Pace | Jan 23, 2018 | All Topics, End Times, Faith, Forgiveness, Foundations of the Faith, Jesus, MESSAGES
Pulpit Today Sermons How to Know the Bible is true; Jesus is the Messiah;And Salvation is Yours! 1 Peter 3:15 Robert D Pace Imagine the perfect Endtime strategy designed to turn Christians from their Faith. Something that would cause Christians to question all the...
by Managed WordPress Migration User | Jan 22, 2018 | All Topics, Foundations of the Faith, Grace, Jesus
PULPIT TODAY SERMONS Robert D. Pace John 14:6 Introduction For years, Smith Barney has said: “We make our money the old-fashioned way, we earn it.” It was a clever ad because many people got their wealth the real, old-fashioned way—they inherited it! Nonetheless, the...
by Robert D. Pace | Jan 4, 2017 | All Topics, Devotionals, Foundations of the Faith, God's Promises, KINGDOM ISSUES, Robert D. Pace
PULPIT TODAY SERMONS Robert D. Pace Hell. The word suggests an eternal abode that is void of God, filled with demons, fraught with eternal wrath, and doomed with inescapable bondage. It is no small wonder that modernity seeks to suppress this topic. It chafes the...
by Managed WordPress Migration User | May 21, 2016 | All Topics, Attitude, Authority, Blessing, Forgiveness, Foundations of the Faith, Prosperity
Pulpit Today Sermon Robert D. Pace Ephesians 2:11-13 A sermon dealing with what should be remembered can evoke many stories. For instance, I heard about the preacher that said, “When I entered this pulpit only God and I knew my topic.” After hesitating he said,...
by Managed WordPress Migration User | Apr 26, 2016 | All Topics, Faith, Foundations of the Faith, God's Promises, Jesus, Peace
Pulpit Today Sermons Robert D Pace How to Obtain Blessed Assurance People often face inner conflict concerning their salvation, asking themselves, “How do I really know I am saved?” “Can I be 100% confident I am saved?” “What “feelings,” if any, should accompany my...