Robert D. Pace
A love for God’s Word has captivated Robert D Pace since his youth. After earning his degree in Biblical Historical Studies from Lee University in 1977, he entered the full-time ministry. His travel has included twenty countries, with much of his overseas work taking him to the Far East, where he was also the featured speaker for the Million Leaders’ Mandate, in Jakarta, Indonesia. In 2003, Pace launched his publishing ministry onto the Internet. It was initially known as, and quickly reached over 100 countries each month. At present, he has written over 250 online publications in an effort to freely dispense the Gospel of Jesus Christ. In recent years, he enlarged his website, as it now hosts Pulpit Today Sermons, Endtime Prophecy Alerts, Prophetic Insights, On-demand Videos, and his Point of Inspiration devotional blog. After 40-years of ministry, and with mankind at the threshold of Christ’s Return, Pace is devoted to disclosing Bible prophecies of the last days. With remarkable insight into the Scriptures, Robert D. Pace presents them in his Endtime Prophecy Conferences. He accepts speaking engagements, ranging from one day to one week. You can investigate his high quality media productions of the Endtime on the “Resources” page. And, you may also view a 2-minute video of the Prophecy Conferences by clicking here.
Statement of Faith
- We believe in the Trinity—God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.
- We believe in the Deity of Jesus Christ. He is fully God; fully man; virgin born; and sinless.
- We believe in the physical resurrection of Jesus from the dead.
- We believe the Bible is inerrant, eternal, and God-breathed.
- We believe man’s salvation comes by grace and through faith toward Jesus Christ.
- We believe the Holy Spirit endows Christians with spiritual gifts.
- We believe in the visible Return of Jesus Christ to earth and His rapture of Believers.
- We believe in the existence of Heaven and Hell.
- Further, we believe in the Tenets of Communion, Water baptism, Regeneration, Justification, Grace, the Great Commission, Christian Discipleship, the Resurrection of the dead, and Eternal Judgment.
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Robert D. Pace