A Call to Corporate Prayer for USA Elections


A Call to Corporate Prayer for USA Elections

Robert D Pace

You know the turmoil that has imbibed our country: The baby’s “Right to Life,” vs. abortion, open borders, and the colliding social and political differences between conservatives and liberals. With the future of America at stake, many people feel isolated and disenfranchised. People sense America is off course and there is nothing they can do about it. However, that is not the case! If you are a Christian you possess an advantage that is unavailable to unsaved people! This advantage transcends all the rioting and rhetoric that undisciplined masses can muster. It is the power of corporate, united praying.

Christians of intercession know the value of their encounters with God in the Prayer Closet. While intercessors must not abandon their one-to-one time with God, there is also a divine mandate for Christians to unite in numbers. That’s because God empowers such prayer armies to function as irrepressible, supernatural forces.  The results can be so effective that they can repel evil agendas, direct the future of a nation, and usher in seasons of reviving grace. This is because persuasion with God is exponentially multiplied when Christians operate in numbers. If you are familiar with the book of Acts you know the outcome of the corporate prayer meeting recorded in chapter 4. Their united prayer was so effective that God sent a physical sign testifying of His pleasure with their activity.  He shook the building where they gathered to pray! But it did more than rattle the premises; it also shook their souls! Luke wrote that these Believers were “all filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke the word of God boldly” (Acts 4:31, NIV). And this is exactly the “shaking” that  America needs today!

During the days preceding November 5, churches, denominations, and ministries have been sponsoring corporate prayer gatherings. Moreover, this offers you the opportunity to join with others and become a difference-maker in this national election. I urge you to participate in a corporate prayer meeting. If you cannot attend a church prayer meeting it’s also possible to connect with online prayer gatherings. Please don’t underestimate the value of such action! In some mysterious way, group praying multiplies power with God!

Each political party has platformed its beliefs. Each has officially published its agenda. And your choice between right and wrong has never been clearer to identify. Despite how the forces of evil have crowded in on this nation they do not have the church muzzled or disarmed. The destructive intentions of wrong-leaning forces can be withstood. There is strength in numbers and God’s willingness to intervene and act is promised! Until November 5, I hope you will personally pray each day and if possible participate with a corporate prayer group. Pray that God will have his way in  ALL elections across America, whether it regards governors, U.S. Congress representatives, U.S. senators, or the presidency. Remember that your prayers can greatly impact the outcome of our upcoming election!


Robert D Pace